Advancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in 2024 Written By: admin | Posted On: 02-12-2024 | Category: Community

In honor of LGBTQ+ History Month, celebrated in February in the United States and the United Kingdom, we want to delve into the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within organizations, particularly in the tech industry where these principles are vital for success.

In this article, we would like to tackle a few topics:

  • What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
  • LGBTQ+ History Month
  • The current state of DEI and LGBTQ+ communities in tech/recruitment
  • The importance of DEI to scaling businesses

What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?

Built In, Austin defines DEI as ‘any policy or practice designed to make people of various backgrounds feel welcome and ensure they have support to perform to the fullest of their abilities in the workplace.’

DEI goes beyond mere representation and extends to implementing policies and practices that actively make individuals from diverse backgrounds feel valued and supported. In essence, DEI becomes a catalyst for unlocking the collective capabilities of a diverse workforce, leading to broader perspectives and enhanced overall performance.

LGBTQ+ History Month

It’s essential to recognize the significance of LGBTQ+ History Month within the context of DEI, especially because through it we honour the contributions and struggles of the LGBTQ+ community throughout history. Organizations can demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity by celebrating the diverse identities and experiences within their workforce. It’s a brilliant opportunity to educate employees, promote understanding and empathy, and create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

The Current State of DEI and LGBTQ+ Communities in Tech and Recruitment

Diversity and inclusion in tech and recruitment are pressing issues as the industries grapple with underrepresentation. It’s crucial for organizations, especially startups, to implement inclusive hiring practices, offer diversity and inclusion training, and establish employee groups to foster a culture of inclusivity.

  1. Implementing inclusive hiring practices:
    • Ensuring that the hiring process is designed to be inclusive. This can involve removing biased terms from the job description, using diverse interview panels, and seeking candidates from unprecedented groups.
  2. Offer Diversity and inclusion training:
    • Provide regular programs that help employees get exposure and awareness on how to foster an inclusive culture
  3. Establish Employee Groups:
    • Provide a platform where groups of employees get to connect, share experiences, and offer insights.
  4. Incorporate LGBTQ+ History Month into DEI initiatives:
    • Further strengthen organizational culture and foster a sense of belonging for all employees.

The Importance of DEI to Scaling Businesses

A report by McKinsey & Company found that diverse companies perform better. For one, diversity increases productivity leading to a more productive workforce which in turn translates to higher profits. Secondly, diverse teams create an environment that encourages creativity and innovative problem-solving, which will help further establish an inclusive company culture and brand.

Shared below are some thoughts of tech leaders and what diversity, equity and inclusion mean to them:

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount for the tech nidustry as they foster innovation by bringing together a wide range of perspectives and experiences. In the context of, prioritising diversity ensures a dynamic workforce that reflects the varied needs of our clients and users, propelling the company toward more inclusive and effective solutions in the Home care industry.” –Shoval,


By Tiarnan O’Shea and Anastasia Photiou