How to Create a Standout CV for SaaS Sales Written By: admin | Posted On: 03-18-2024 | Category: Community , SaaS

How to Create a Standout CV for SaaS Sales with Cameron Hoskin

The SaaS ecosystem is more competitive than ever, that’s why you need to know how to create a standout CV for SaaS Sales. Your CV isn’t just a piece of paper; it can potentially be your passport to endless opportunities, landing you at a top company. In this fiercely competitive landscape, standing out is more important than ever before. Below, I’ll share my tips for crafting your CV based on feedback from hiring managers and data from hundreds of candidates we’ve placed.

The Art of Storytelling:

In a sea of mundane CVs, be the captivating story. Instead of merely listing your responsibilities, breathe life into your successes with tangible numbers, achievements, and insights.

  1. How much revenue have you generated?
  2. Have you exceeded quotas?
  3. How many new logos have you won?
  4. Where did you fit in the journey if you were an early-stage hire?
  5. Did you contribute to shaping best practices or strategy?
  6. How did you perform among your peers?
  7. What makes you unique or different?

Hiring managers seek to understand your tangible impact and contributions to the business. Sales hiring managers, analytical by nature, find quantified accomplishments particularly compelling. By quantifying your achievements, you not only demonstrate your impact but also provide concrete evidence of your value to potential employers.

From experience, hiring managers like to understand the industries you’ve sold into, along with the personas you typically target, such as “VP of Operations”. Including your average deal size, your largest deal, and your average sales cycle is advised. If you self-source your own business, make sure to highlight this aspect – it’s a key skill that many hiring managers are specifically looking for.

Formatting and Layout:

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci.

Use a clean and professional layout with consistent formatting throughout the CV. I’d advise using a bold format for the following sections: professional summary, employment history, education, and any notable skills (which can include technologies you’re proficient with). For each company you’ve worked for, it’s advised to include a brief description of what the company does.

The best CVs I’ve seen share the same mantra: less is more. Ensure your CV is well-organized with punchy achievements and accolades, making it easy to skim-read and sparking curiosity. Also, make sure your contact information is clear and includes your name, phone number, email address, and a link to your LinkedIn profile.

In conclusion, your CV is more than just a document. It’s your personal brand ambassador in the competitive world of SaaS sales. With careful attention to detail and strategic storytelling, you can pave the way for endless opportunities and propel your career to new heights.